Howdy. I was just taking pictures of some of my current works in progress for Ravelry, and I thought I'd post them here, too. And, no, these aren't all of my WIP's. Unfortunately, there are many, many more. Yes, I am easily distracted (knitting-wise anyway). Sigh.
First of all, there is the pair of socks that I am making for Sister#1 as a belated birthday gift. (Her birthday was in July -- how lame am I?) I'm using the Ukrainian Socks pattern from Nancy Bush's Folk Socks book, but with several modifications. These socks will be very similar to this pair that I made a few years ago, but with a thinner yarn (Regia 4-ply).

Ukrainian Socks for Sister#1
Next up are some Bayerische Socks that I started a long time ago. They are languishing because they are too narrow for anyone except the fine-boned females in Sister#1's family. So maybe if one of them shows a strong interest they will be finished. Otherwise, I'll need to rip them and restart. It's a great pattern, but it's a lot of work.

Bayerishe Socks for ???
Below are some socks I just started for Daughter#2. I was cleaning out her bureau drawers lately and discovered that most of her handknit socks no longer fit. So she's in need of some new socks. These are not colors I would have picked, but Daughter#2 likes them. This pattern is an adaptation of Ilga's Socks from Favorite Socks.

Ilga's Socks for Daughter#2
These are another pair of Jaywalkers that I am making with some Lorna's Laces yarn. I tried this yarn in another sock pattern, but I didn't like the way the color was working out. I'm not sure if I like this yarn as Jaywalkers either. What do you guys think?

More Jaywalkers (to be ripped?)
The socks below were inspired by some pictures I saw online of knitted pouches done in medieval Egyptian patterns (can't link because the site is currently unavailable). I charted out some of the patterns from the pictures. I'm hoping to combine a few different patterns into a pair of socks for me. This is as far as I've gotten, but I really love them so far.

medieval Egyptian socks
These are just some boring stockinette socks for Uncool Guy, who needs more socks that he can wear to work. This is my first time using the Trekking Pro Natura wool/bamboo yarn (color 1603). I'm liking it so far, except for the little white fluffy bits that I keep running into. They are hard to pull out because they are so embedded in the yarn.

Boring stockinette socks for Uncool Guy
Here are some more boring socks, with some basic 3x1 ribbing. These are in Trekking XXL. I'm hoping these will be a Christmas gift for someone.

Basic Ribbed Socks in Trekking XXL
These gloves have been on my needles for a loooong time, maybe since the beginning of last winter (possibly even the winter before that). They are for Uncool Guy, to match his lovely scarf. However, I abandoned them because I was having problems with sizing. He has very large hands and I had to rip and reknit a few times (and then I got bored). Hopefully I will finish them before this winter is over. (Wanna bet?)

Gloves for Uncool Guy
Here's another project I'm working on -- some mittens for Brother#1's girlfriend. They are temporarily on hold until I can check the sizing with a fitting.

Basic Mittens
And finally there is this illusion scarf for Nephew#2. It was supposed to be a birthday present for him (birthday in March -- again, I am lame). I made up the chart for this myself. It's supposed to be a skull and crossbones. However, I don't think the bones are coming out very clearly and the mouth needs work, so I think I'm going to modify the chart and try again.

Skull Illusion Scarf viewed from an angle

Skull Illusion Scarf viewed from above
That's not even all of my current WIP's. Those are just the ones that were conveniently lying around when I had my camera out. Yeah, I know. I need to focus and actually finish a few things. Ah, but that's so boring.
You know what's not boring? I'm going to Rhinebeck in a couple days!!! Wooo hooo!
This will be my first trip there and I'm excited. I'll be traveling mostly with Melissa and Sister#1 (pic of us here, I'm the one without the cowboy hat). Say "howdy" if you see us.

I'm also signed up for Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo, as both a square and a player. If I'm on your card, you can identify me because I'll probably be carrying this red bag. Hope to see you there!