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Friday, January 25, 2008

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Page 161 and Pillows

Don't die of shock, but, yeah, I'm actually posting something.

I just got tagged by Melissa (the famous author) with this book meme. You open a book you're currently reading to page 161, and copy out sentence five. Here are the sentences from some of the books I'm currently reading:

  • "The boys were avenged."
    from Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (for our homeschool literature class)
  • "Richard calls it 'The Geet.'"
    from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (recommended by a friend)
  • "I realize that I can roll."
    from What is the What by Dave Eggers (an impulse buy at the book store since I really liked his book A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius)

I'm supposed to tag five other people, but I'm no good at that. So consider yourself tagged if you're reading this and you're interested. Let me know in the comments that you responded so I can check out what you're reading.

I've been knitting a lot, but I haven't had much time to post about it. I've taken a lot of pictures lately, so I hope to update my blog soon. In the meantime, here is a picture of one of the things I've been working on.

click for bigger picture

It's the Persian Tiles pillow kit that I got for Christmas (available here). It's knit using Alice Starmore Hebridean 2 Ply on a US3 needle. I'm using Calluna (dark green) as the main color and Red Deer (reddish brown) as the contrast color. It's coming along well, but I think I'm going to run short on yarn. I haven't even reached the halfway point and I'm on the second of the two balls of Red Deer that were provided in the kit. Big bummer.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

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Loads of WIPs (and Rhinebeck!)

Howdy. I was just taking pictures of some of my current works in progress for Ravelry, and I thought I'd post them here, too. And, no, these aren't all of my WIP's. Unfortunately, there are many, many more. Yes, I am easily distracted (knitting-wise anyway). Sigh.

First of all, there is the pair of socks that I am making for Sister#1 as a belated birthday gift. (Her birthday was in July -- how lame am I?) I'm using the Ukrainian Socks pattern from Nancy Bush's Folk Socks book, but with several modifications. These socks will be very similar to this pair that I made a few years ago, but with a thinner yarn (Regia 4-ply).

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Ukrainian Socks for Sister#1

Next up are some Bayerische Socks that I started a long time ago. They are languishing because they are too narrow for anyone except the fine-boned females in Sister#1's family. So maybe if one of them shows a strong interest they will be finished. Otherwise, I'll need to rip them and restart. It's a great pattern, but it's a lot of work.

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Bayerishe Socks for ???

Below are some socks I just started for Daughter#2. I was cleaning out her bureau drawers lately and discovered that most of her handknit socks no longer fit. So she's in need of some new socks. These are not colors I would have picked, but Daughter#2 likes them. This pattern is an adaptation of Ilga's Socks from Favorite Socks.

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Ilga's Socks for Daughter#2

These are another pair of Jaywalkers that I am making with some Lorna's Laces yarn. I tried this yarn in another sock pattern, but I didn't like the way the color was working out. I'm not sure if I like this yarn as Jaywalkers either. What do you guys think?

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More Jaywalkers (to be ripped?)

The socks below were inspired by some pictures I saw online of knitted pouches done in medieval Egyptian patterns (can't link because the site is currently unavailable). I charted out some of the patterns from the pictures. I'm hoping to combine a few different patterns into a pair of socks for me. This is as far as I've gotten, but I really love them so far.

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medieval Egyptian socks

These are just some boring stockinette socks for Uncool Guy, who needs more socks that he can wear to work. This is my first time using the Trekking Pro Natura wool/bamboo yarn (color 1603). I'm liking it so far, except for the little white fluffy bits that I keep running into. They are hard to pull out because they are so embedded in the yarn.

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Boring stockinette socks for Uncool Guy

Here are some more boring socks, with some basic 3x1 ribbing. These are in Trekking XXL. I'm hoping these will be a Christmas gift for someone.

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Basic Ribbed Socks in Trekking XXL

These gloves have been on my needles for a loooong time, maybe since the beginning of last winter (possibly even the winter before that). They are for Uncool Guy, to match his lovely scarf. However, I abandoned them because I was having problems with sizing. He has very large hands and I had to rip and reknit a few times (and then I got bored). Hopefully I will finish them before this winter is over. (Wanna bet?)

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Gloves for Uncool Guy

Here's another project I'm working on -- some mittens for Brother#1's girlfriend. They are temporarily on hold until I can check the sizing with a fitting.

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Basic Mittens

And finally there is this illusion scarf for Nephew#2. It was supposed to be a birthday present for him (birthday in March -- again, I am lame). I made up the chart for this myself. It's supposed to be a skull and crossbones. However, I don't think the bones are coming out very clearly and the mouth needs work, so I think I'm going to modify the chart and try again.

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Skull Illusion Scarf viewed from an angle

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Skull Illusion Scarf viewed from above

That's not even all of my current WIP's. Those are just the ones that were conveniently lying around when I had my camera out. Yeah, I know. I need to focus and actually finish a few things. Ah, but that's so boring.

You know what's not boring? I'm going to Rhinebeck in a couple days!!! Wooo hooo!

This will be my first trip there and I'm excited. I'll be traveling mostly with Melissa and Sister#1 (pic of us here, I'm the one without the cowboy hat). Say "howdy" if you see us.

I'm also signed up for Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo, as both a square and a player. If I'm on your card, you can identify me because I'll probably be carrying this red bag. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

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Silly Knitting

So, I recently went to a Rovaniemi Mittens class taught by Susanna Hansson at Webs. I should really be telling you about that (it was fabulous) and showing pictures of the "wristlet" that I started in class. However, it's not finished and my gauge is so super tight (11 sts/inch instead of the recommended 8-9 sts/in) that I think I'm going to rip it and try again. Anyhow, I'll get back to that sometime. But not now, because currently I am obsessed with making this silly thing.

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How stinking cute is this?

It's the Alligator Scarf from Morehouse Farm, and it's super cute. I'm making it with some Jaeger Baby Merino DK that I got on sale at Webs. It will be for either Niece#4 or Nephew#4 -- the only family members who are still young enough to actually want to wear an alligator scarf.

Morehouse Farm has a lot of other cute animal scarf patterns on their website. I just noticed they now have a dragon scarf. Oooh, I'm tempted.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

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Yay, I finally got my Ravelry invitation!!!

Too bad I will be away this weekend and I won't have any time to enter more of my projects, stash, etc. It's going to be a lot of work since I currently store all my photos on Photobucket (I love the amount of organization it gives you for free). Now I'll have to copy them over to Flickr -- what a drag. A question for those of you with Flickr accounts: Do you pay for the upgrade so you can have more than 3 sets or do you just go with the free version? If so, is it really hard to find stuff once you've uploaded a lot of pictures?

If you're already on Ravelry and you want to be my friend, then look me up. My username is "persnicketyknitr" (boo-hiss to the 16-character username limit, but I'm grateful for the invite, really).

Thursday, August 09, 2007

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What to do With Leftover Sock Yarn

Want to see what I've been knitting lately? Well feast your eyes on this:

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Oooh, pretty.

Can you guess what it is?

Well, when you knit a lot of socks, you invariably are left with lots of leftover sock yarn. And what do you do with all of those tiny little balls? [No you don't throw them out! Who said that? You should be ashamed.] No, you use them. You knit something like this:

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It's a Leftover Sock Yarn Afghan.

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It's colorific.

The plan is that I will knit one block on this afghan for each pair of socks I have ever knit. Since I give away a lot of the socks I make, this will serve as a nice little memento for me. The problem with my plan is that I have no yarn left from several pairs of socks. That bums me out. Maybe when those particular socks die (I officially hate to darn socks), I will unravel some yarn from their ankles and use it to make a block. We'll see.

Anyhow, as of this morning, I have knit 43 blocks. My current sock quota is 61 pairs, so I've got some more blocks to go before I catch up. Also, clearly, it will be a loooooong time before this thing is big enough to actually use as an afghan. Guess I better knit some more socks then. ;) [Do you see a cycle here?]

I'm knitting the afghan in entrelac (so no seaming, yay!), with each block consisting of 24 sts and 47 rows. Since I've knit socks from many different weights of yarns, from aran-weight to very thin sock yarn, I've had to mess around a bit with various needle sizes to get the blocks to come out roughly of equal size. I divided the plies of the aran- or worsted-weight yarn to use only half of its thickness. The DK yarn I knit fairly tightly. The fingering-weight yarn I knit at varying degrees of looseness (mostly looser than I would for socks). I'm going for an approximate gauge of 7.5 sts/inch, which is giving me a block size of approximately 3 x 4 inches. It's going to take some serious blocking to get this afghan to lie flat, but I did a little trial steam-block (love that Scunci steamer) and it seemed to work fine.

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The trial steam-blocked section is on the left side of this pic -- nice and flat.

I haven't yet decided what kind of edging I should do (since that step is far off), but I'm thinking it will be black. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Monday, August 06, 2007

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A Long List

Thanks for the comments welcoming me back to blogland. I'm actually surprised you guys didn't give up on me after my long absence.

I've been catching up on my blog reading and I saw this list on a couple of blogs. It looked like fun, so here goes:

Mark with bold the things you have ever knit, with italics the ones you plan to do sometime, and leave the rest. [And I, in my ultimate analness, have made things bold and italic if I have tried the technique (like in a swatch or a UFO) but not finished an item with it yet.]

  • Afghan (I've started a sock-yarn afghan, but it's not very big yet.)

  • I-cord

  • Garter stitch (Is this question really necessary?)

  • Knitting with metal wire (Sounds painful, but still intrigues me. I think I saw some wire & bead candleholder thingies I'd like to try.)

  • Shawl

  • Stockinette stitch

  • Socks: top-down (my favorite way)

  • Socks: toe-up

  • Knitting with camel yarn (very fragile)

  • Mittens: Cuff-up

  • Mittens: Tip-down (I might try gloves starting with the fingers)

  • Hat

  • Knitting with silk (I'd like to make a silk shawl someday.)

  • Moebius band knitting (Need to buy the book.)

  • Participating in a KAL (However, the level of my participation is not exactly stellar.

  • Sweater

  • Drop stitch patterns (Hmmm, I don't think so.)

  • Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn (I did unravel a sweater a few years ago with the intention of reusing the yarn, but I never got around to knitting with it. Now I've got too much stash to make this worth the effort.)

  • Slip stitch patterns

  • Knitting with banana fiber yarn (Not sure. I guess I might do this just to say I tried it?)

  • Domino knitting (=modular knitting) (I've done some swatching, but this is definitely not my favorite technique.)

  • Twisted stitch patterns (love 'em)

  • Knitting with bamboo yarn

  • Two end knitting (Took a great twined knitting class and made a kid's mitten. Very cool technique.)

  • Charity knitting (Dulaan)

  • Knitting with soy yarn (I recently bought some Tofutsies though.)

  • Cardigan (I started one, but never finished it.)

  • Toy/doll clothing (doll socks)

  • Knitting with circular needles

  • Baby items

  • Knitting with your own handspun yarn (Only in the very distant future. I am currently trying to resist the urge to become a spinner.)

  • Slippers (Have a pattern waiting.)

  • Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street) (This wouldn't really work in my neighborhood.)

  • Continental knitting

  • Designing knitted garments

  • Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)

  • Lace patterns

  • Publishing a knitting book (I guess I shouldn't say "no", but it's very unlikely.)

  • Scarf

  • Teaching a child to knit (a whole street worth of little girls)

  • American/English knitting (as opposed to continental) (my preferred method)

  • Knitting to make money (Hmmm, not if it sucks the joy out of knitting.)

  • Buttonholes

  • Knitting with alpaca

  • Fair Isle knitting (I've done 2-color stranded colorwork, but not with traditional Fair Isle patterns with the shading of the foreground & background colors)

  • Norwegian knitting (I've done 2-color stranded colorwork, but not in a sweater and I've not done steeks.)

  • Dying with plant colours (Maybe, in the very distant future)

  • Knitting items for a wedding (sounds stressful)

  • Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies...)

  • Knitting socks (or other small tubular items)on two circulars (I love using 2 circulars.)

  • Olympic knitting (I sucked at this. Never finished.)

  • Knitting with someone else's handspun yarn (Yes, thanks to Anne of knitspot)

  • Knitting with dpns

  • Holiday-related knitting (Mini mittens that I intended to use as ornaments, but never hung on the tree -- do those count? I keep saying that I'm going to knit Xmas stockings, but somehow I never get around to it.)

  • Teaching a male how to knit (I've taught 2 boys to knit. Does that count?)

  • Bobbles

  • Knitting for a living (not sure -- may kill the love)

  • Knitting with cotton

  • Knitting smocking
  • Dying yarn (again, distant future)

  • Steeks

  • Knitting art (hmm?)

  • Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously (Well, one person I know is very fond of knitting 2 socks at a time. She's even written a book about it, although on one circular. But I am far too apt to rip back in search of the elusive perfect fit, and ripping back 2 socks is just too painful.)

  • Fulling/felting

  • Knitting with wool

  • Textured knitting

  • Kitchener BO (love it)

  • Purses/bags (drawstring bags, no purses)

  • Knitting with beads (I've got a huge stash of seed beads. I should do this more.)

  • Swatching (enjoy it)

  • Long Tail CO

  • Entrelac

  • Knitting and purling backwards (I can knit backwards fairly smoothly, but I haven't gotten the hang of purling backwards yet.)

  • Machine knitting (maybe, distant future)

  • Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegating yarn

  • Stuffed toys (I made a stuffed seal. It was kind of a pain. Too much sewing for me.)

  • Knitting with cashmere (yes, and it's lovely)

  • Darning (not much fun)

  • Jewelry (a knitted bead bracelet)

  • Knitting with synthetic yarn (novelty scarves, and maybe a foofy tank top here or there)

  • Writing a pattern

  • Gloves

  • Intarsia (only a little bit)

  • Knitting with linen

  • Knitting for preemies

  • Tubular CO

  • Freeform knitting (hmmmm, I don't think freeform fits my oh-so-methodical style)

  • Short rows

  • Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers

  • Pillows

  • Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine (Jaywalkers, Wavy Scarf. Surprisingly, that may be all.)

  • Rug (Have the book. Have been meaning to make something.)

  • Knitting on a loom (not really interested)

  • Thrummed knitting

  • Knitting a gift (lots)

  • Knitting for pets (have no pets)

  • Shrug/bolero/poncho

  • Knitting with dog/cat hair (ummm, no)

  • Hair accessories (headbands)

  • Knitting in public (ALL THE TIME)

Holy crap, that was a long list! It will be interesting to review this list in a year and see if I can bold any of the non-bolded items by then. Which do you think would be the most likely or the most unlikely? Any guesses?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

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Blog Avoidance

Wow, it's been exactly 5 months since my last post. How much do I suck? In case you are curious, I am not dead. Nor do I have any other good excuse for my shameful lack of blog posting. I have, however, been knitting. But I still haven't attempted to fix that shawl (is anyone really surprised?).

In an attempt to get back into the swing of blogging, I have updated my Gallery. I have listed every single stinking pair of socks that I have ever knit (cuz I'm anal like that, in case you haven't noticed). Anyhow, it contains several things I have never blogged about, so you may want to check it out.

Here are some teaser pics from the Gallery:

click for detailsChipman's Block Mittens

click for detailsCashmere Fingerless Gloves

click for detailsSilk Garden Ribbed Hat

click for detailsCascading Leaves Socks

click for detailsUgly Purple Sockotta Jaywalkers

click for detailsManly Greenish-Brown Trekking Socks

click for details6-ply Regia Socks

click for detailsCabled Bearfoot Socks

click for detailsAmerican Girl Doll Socks
(made from Trekking, of course)

click for detailsLacy American Girl Doll Socks

click for detailsSimply Lovely (or not so lovely) MISTAKE Lace Socks
(Trekking XXL again)

click for detailsCrazy-Patterned Opal Socks

click for detailsMore Trekking Socks
(Apparently I am addicted to Trekking XXL. It's like crack.)

click for detailsMother/Daughter Socks
(click for cute stuffed bunny picture)

click for detailsStrange Blue & White Opal Jaywalkers

Plus some oldies from several years ago:

click for detailsBrown & Natural Stranded Socks

click for detailsDK-weight Purple & Green Socks

click for detailsCrazy Furry Socks

And much more in the Sock Gallery.

Oh, and if you are looking for some entertaining blog reading, go check out my friend Rachel's new blog, Diary of a Mad, Mad Housewife. It is a wickedly funny look at the trials and tribulations of a slightly paranoid "Suburban Mommy". It's good stuff.

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