Just feast your eyes on the loveliness that arrived in the mail for me today.
It's my gift from Anne of knitspot for winning her Mystery Cable Contest. What can I say - I LOVE it! She sent me two hanks of wool that she dyed and spun, along with a pattern that she wrote for a Ragamuffin Scarf and Mitts. I know you want a closer view of this beautiful yarn, so I will of course oblige.
This lovely blue mix should be enough to complete the scarf and fingerless mitts in the pattern she sent. I just love all the shades of blue in this. It makes me think of faded jeans, my attire of choice.
This gorgeous gold/blue/green mix is thinner than the blue. Anne suggests that it would be good for a pair of socks. I will have to select just the right sock pattern for this. Any thoughts? (And if anyone says the word "Jaywalker" they're in trouble).
Anne did a great job picking colors for me. I just love them. [And I love the slight patchouli smell from her wool wash ;)] In fact, this yarn is so gorgeous and soft that I almost don't even want to knit with it. Almost.
OK, OK, enough with the gushing. I will assume you are satisfactorily jealous at this point, so I will move on.
I just finished knitting my Lady Eleanor stole last night. Wuh, was that a lot of knitting. I still need to weave in the ends and steam block it and then attach the long knotted fringe. I was considering skipping the fringe, or maybe going with a tasseled fringe, but after looking around at other Lady E's online, I've decided to go with the long knotted. Pics soon hopefully.
Here's another thing I've been working on. It's a Komi-patterned bag based on the gift bag pattern in Handknit Holidays. More details next time. I've got to go block Lady E.
Oh, and thanks for the suggestions about the Karaoke yarn as a Noro substitute. I'll have to try that. I see they carry it at WEBS. How convenient...
Leave a Comment 7 comments:
Beautiful yarn!
I can't wait to see your stole - and that bag! Gorgeous colorwork ;o)
Def long knotted! Will be gorgeous. I looked at but did not buy Karaoke yesterday. It's pretty, though the colors are not as varied as Noro, but I can see a place for investment in the future. VERY soft and feels great when knitted up, and apparently felts very well. This is good news for Melissa Who Likes Modular Felted Bags. Or any bag...
that yarn looks decidedly yummy.
wow! that stuff got there FAST! i'm SO glad you like them. DO use them and have fun!
lady eleanor really does need the knotted fringe . . . i can't wait to see her. i have been thinking seriously about making it because your looks so nice, but now you are scaring me off . . .
Those skeins are stunning! LOVE the blue. How 'bout the Knitty Pomotamus (sp?) pattern for the green? I've been curious about trying it... but you go first and tell me how it is!
oh, i keep forgetting to say also that the thinner yarn will make a pretty scarf, too; maybe something lacy? both these yarns will stripe softly but the "repeat" is not regular.hoefuly you are comfortable with sox that don't match exactly!t
Hi from Austria! Oh, this yarn is so gorgeous, what a great surprise it must have been for you to receive it!
I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your finished stole!
That yarn is gorgeous! I really like the gold/blue one. For a sock pattern, Badcaul might be really nice.